Sunday 8 February 2009

My weekend

Last Tuesday wen I finish the college at 2:15pm I went to my home and eat my lunch then I have a sort nap. At 5:30pm I went to my home in Sharjah then I go to see my old friend. After that I go back to home and I watched TV for one hour then I go to sleep at 12:30am. On Friday I wake up at 9:00am and I see my Bird it was ill, then I take him to the Veterinary. At 11:45am I get ruddy to go to the mosque. Then I stay with my family until 4:30pm. In the After noon I played football with my friend and we had a nice time. In evening I went to the cinema with my friend then we eat dinner then we came back to home at 1:35am and I go to the bad. On Saturday I wake up at 10:00am and I cake my Bird he get beater then I came back to Abu Dhabi and get ruddy for college.

Monday 21 April 2008

My Book Report

Done By Mubarak Ali Al Abadela





Publication date: 2001

ISBN: 9 780582 271177

Pages: 71

Level: Intermediate

Setting: place:- Roman Empire

Time : 180 AD

Characters:- Maximus , Commodus, Lucilla

Plot:- Maximus the farmer was Maximus the Commanding of the Army of the North. And the emperor say to hem you will be the emperor of Roman after me. But the sun of real emperor kill his father to be came the emperor. After that Commodus the sun of emperor said to kill Maximus, but he get run away. Then camea slave, then he came gladiator, then came to roman as a gladiator. And faith in the Colosseum and wine in the faith and every ones

Know how is the Maximus. And they wont Maximus to be the emperor. After that he faith Commodus, but Commodus poison Maximus before the faith. Finally in the faith maximus kill Commodus.

My Opinion:- It’s nice story and it learn me the people in the past what is his think and how to be the best man , in the word

Glossary: Striking = conspicuous

Stomach = vertebrates

Knees = middle joint of the human leg

Progressed = improvement


Monday 24 March 2008

my trip

last week I went to the camp in Sharja . It was vary
nice to spent my weekend in the desert with my friends .

Now i will put same Pictures.

Monday 3 March 2008

The Kingdom of Cambodia one of the most magical and rewarding same pales southeast Asia. The capital of Cambodia is Phnom Penh and the population is 13,971,000 . The total area is 181053 km and the area of water is 2.5 km