Sunday 8 February 2009

My weekend

Last Tuesday wen I finish the college at 2:15pm I went to my home and eat my lunch then I have a sort nap. At 5:30pm I went to my home in Sharjah then I go to see my old friend. After that I go back to home and I watched TV for one hour then I go to sleep at 12:30am. On Friday I wake up at 9:00am and I see my Bird it was ill, then I take him to the Veterinary. At 11:45am I get ruddy to go to the mosque. Then I stay with my family until 4:30pm. In the After noon I played football with my friend and we had a nice time. In evening I went to the cinema with my friend then we eat dinner then we came back to home at 1:35am and I go to the bad. On Saturday I wake up at 10:00am and I cake my Bird he get beater then I came back to Abu Dhabi and get ruddy for college.

1 comment:

Heather Maria said...

Very interesting, Mubarak!
However, remember to use the past tense. Lovely photos. I look forward to reading about the job and country.